Saturday 10 August 2013

Poltergeist (Directed by Tobe Hooper) 1982

An essential entry especially if one grew up in the late '70s and early '80s with this sort of supernatural horror. The 'Poltergeist' trilogy, despite its rather flashy effects, was a decent enough batch of movies and typically Spielberg in its outlay and writing process. In reality it's a rather simple film concerning a family who move to a Californian suburb only to have their little girl abducted by the ghostly forces on the other side. Maybe the parents should have known something odd was going on when their daughter, Carol Anne, started conversing with the TV screen! As usual the supernatural weirdness becomes the subject for a team of parapsychologists and it just so happens the neighbourhood was in fact built on an ancient burial ground and the portal to this dimension is in fact situated in the closet of Carol Anne! Cue a number of heart-jumping scenes of typical paranormal drama and bumps in the night effects, resulting in what became one of the '80s most frightening episodes, winning 'Poltergeist' numerous awards.

'Poltergeist' is a fine movie that acts as a darker side to other paranormal Hollywood blockbusters such as 'E.T.' The film was given an even more sinister reputation when several of the cast members and crew were said to have died after an alleged curse was said to have been put on the film - although this is unfounded, despite the fact that some tragedies certainly befell a few of those involved, including the death of Heather O'Rourke who played Carol Anne. Either way, whatever you choose to believe, 'Poltergeist' is a special effects extravaganza which at times is a little too showy meaning that the scares are rather dramatic rather than atmospheric and suggestive, but it's still a film I hold dear to my heart and the two sequels, including the ghastly man in black, weren't bad either. However, it's the moment when Carol Anne claims that "They're here!" which lives long in the memory.

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