Thursday 8 August 2013

Trick or Treat (Directed by Charles Martin Smith) 1986

'Trick or Treat' was another life-changing movie - and whilst many of you may argue that it's nowhere near good enough to worm its way into the 'top 100', remember this is my choice...and not yours! Firstly, 'Trick or Treat' is typically '80s, released during the height of heavy metal music mania, and stars rockers Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne. It tells the story of Eddie, a high school kid who likes his music heavy - in fact he's a typical metal-head, his room is dark and daubed in metal posters and he's the school outcast - often bullied by the meat-heads, but Eddie has a darker side - well, only when his favourite rock star, Sammi Curr, dies in a hotel fire, but comes back from the fiery grave to haunt a vinyl record that Eddie has been given by rock DJ Gene Simmons. rom here on it's a case of Eddie versus the trendies as his new found confidence is fanned by the flames of Sammi's satanic and murderous instructions, resulting high school carnage for the masses.

Of course, 'Trick or Treat' is more of a fun heavy metal movie rather than serious horror movie, and whilst Eddie (played by Marc Price) is a somewhat annoying and cheesy character, Tony Fields role as the deceased rock star is fantastic. Couple this with an electrifying soundtrack and some decent gags and a cool light script, this has all the traits of a typical '80s movie - a fuzzy cross between 'Ghoulies,' 'The Gate', 'Teen Wolf' (in some instances) and 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show.' Of course it does help if you're into heavy metal music, and pretty much sums up the mid '80s but if you weren't there and now spend your days listening to nu-metal crap then that's your loss. 'Trick or Treat' changed my life, and for that it deserves it's place alongside far more accomplished and terrifying movies.

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